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Privacy Policy

All kinds of audio, visual, written information and documents, trademarks, and all types of intellectual property rights on this site are owned by our company, and are used only by the owners and with the permission of the owners, and are subject to copyright. They cannot be copied, modified, rented, lent, transmitted, or published without permission. Any information and document containing audio, visual, written information in this site cannot be used for private or commercial purposes.

There may be inaccuracies, typographical errors, or update errors in the information on this website. This is not binding for our company. The information provided on this site can be changed at any time without notice.

Users acknowledge that any information, suggestions, ideas, or other communications sent to us are not confidential and are not owned by any individual. Users also acknowledge that they have given us the unrestricted and irrevocable right to use, display, perform, modify, transmit, and distribute the information they send to our company, and that any ideas, concepts, information, and techniques they send for any purpose are freely available for our company to use.

Detailed Information

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